HyunJoo Oh, Director & Assistant Professor
HyunJoo Oh is the director of the CoDe Craft group and an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the School of Industrial Design and the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. She received her PhD from the Craft Tech Lab & ATLAS Institute at University of Colorado Boulder and has master’s degrees in Entertainment Technology from Carnegie Mellon University and Media Interaction Design from Ewha Womans University.
Her work, based on a broad spectrum of design and computing technologies, investigates fundamental questions on how people think and make – how those are closely linked and shape each other. She is the PI on an NSF grant (#2030880), focused on developing a kit of craft-friendly conductive and non-conductive materials for use with middle school students and teachers. Her team explores how this novel tangible approach can demystify computing by offering a flexible palette of materials, fostering participation, and enabling expressive learning in computing. She also served as a Co-PI on another NSF grant (#2053160) that developed craft-based construction kits to educate and encourage envisioning the future of radio wireless communication devices.
For this academic calendar (2024-2025), she’s serving as a Program Chair for the ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2025), a Demo Chair for the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2025), and a Program Committee member for the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2025). She is also an editorial board member of the International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (2022-2025).
hyunjoo.oh [at] gatech.edu